When The Oak Tree Falls...
When an oak tree falls in the woods somewhere you may hear it or maybe even see it. Most of us would think of this as a bad thing, and maybe you’re right. That tree probably housed a lot of birds and other creatures. And you’re not wrong for thinking that.
But what else happened when that tree fell? It provided shelter for other creatures that inhabit the forest floor. It also dropped hundreds of acorns on the ground that will have the opportunity to sprout into new trees and provide even more for the wildlife in the area.
Sometimes figurative trees fall in our lives and they can feel disastrous. Some may even make you feel like your world is crumbling around you. But I’ve found that when one of those trees hit the ground in our lives there are always new sprouts coming right around the corner.
It can be difficult in the moment to see positive in a negative situation, but I’ve had to learn the hard way how important it is to find the good in any circumstance i found myself in. Its still good to feel all the emotions that come along with hurt. But I had to learn to not let those emotions control me. When they did I wasn’t a pleasant person to be around. A simple way to think about it is, a negative mindset breeds more negativity.
So I challenge you, and trust me it’s a challenge, the next time you come across a fallen tree in your life, feel and embrace the heartache, sadness, anger and grief. Then open your eyes and look around for the acorns. Because, trust me, they’re right in front of you.